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Spiritual Direction for the Home
Proverbs 1:8 "My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:" The home should be a place of godly instruction and character building. The wise child will listen to their parents, follow their instructions and embrace the wisdom they seek to give to them. Children who think they know it all actually know nothing and will make life very hard on themselves. The father is the head of the home and he teaches spiritual truth to the family. He is responsible for the direction of the family and needs to lead the family in the right path before God. The mother usually is with the children more during the day and needs to make rules for the house that enforce the spiritual principles the father teaches and goals he has for the family. The parents should wisely choose who influences their children and family. They should not put their children in a position where someone or some institution will have rules that do not reinforce their teaching at home. If a parent chooses to have someone else educate their child you had better make sure that what they teach and practice is not going to undermine what you are trying to accomplish at home. To put your child in the public education system or secular daycare is going to put your child at risk spiritually and will cause you much heartache and frustration. We need the help of God to have the right kind of home and may we seek his wisdom continually in this process.