Doctrinal Statement Part 1
- The Doctrine of
the Bible
a) It
is pure: Inspiration - given
by God. II Timothy 3:16.
b) It
is preserved: Indestructible -
guaranteed by God. Psalms 12:6-7.
c) It
is perfect: Infinite - grace of
God. Psalms 19:7. The Bible should
correct man and man should never correct the Bible.
- The Doctrine of
the Trinity
believe in one God manifested in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit. I John 5:7. John 1:1-14 make it clear that the "Word" referred in I John
5:7 is Jesus.
- The Doctrine of
a) The
Creator: Jesus created all
thing. Genesis 1:1 "In
the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Jesus is God.
b) The Conception: Jesus was born of a virgin. (Isaiah 7:14).
The Christ: Jesus is the Messiah, the long awaited
anointed one. John 1:41."
d) The Chief: The head and the founder of the church. Colossians 1:18.
e) The Coequal: Jesus is completely equal with God (Philippians 2:5-8) because Jesus is God.
f) The Cleanliness: Jesus lived a pure and spotless life totally free from sin. 1 John 3:5.
The Crucifixion: Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
(I Corinthians. 15:1-4)
h) The Conquering: He rose again from the dead (I Corinthians 15:3-4) on the 3rd day. Thee greatest event in human history.
i) The Cleansing: Without the shedding of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ there is no forgiveness of sin. John 1:7
- The Doctrine of
the Holy Spirit
The Person: Third person of the trinity, equal
with the Father and the Son. (I John 5:7)
The Plan: Anoints yielded Christians and teaches
spiritual truth. (John 14:26)
The Purging: Convicts people of sin and regenerates
all believers. (John 16:8)
The Protection: He indwells and seals all
believers. (John 7:37-39, Ephesians
- The Doctrine of
the Sinful Nature of Mankind
The Creation: Man was directly created by God, made
in his image. (Gen. 1:1, 26-28)
The Choice: Man by choice disobeyed and became a
sinner. (Romans 3:23, 5:12)
The Condition: Man has no hope in himself, but he
needs a savior. (John 3:16)
- The Doctrine of
a) It’s a Present: Salvation is a free gift of God, received by faith in Jesus. Ephesians 2:8-9.
b) It’s Permanent: It is eternal and can never be lost. John 3:36 .
c) It’s Private: No other way of eternal salvation outside of faith in Jesus and you cannot work your way to heaven. (Acts 4:12).
d) It’s
Personal: Man must exercise
his free will to accept or reject Jesus.
(Rom. 10:13, John 3:16). God never forces His will upon man. We reject the false teachings of Calvinism (the TULIP outline) and
Part 2
- The Doctrine of
Good Works and Rewards
a) Testimony: Good works don’t save, they show we
are saved. (Eph 2:8-10)
b) Truth: All Christians shall stand before the
judgment seat of Christ. (II Cor. 5:10). Christians will be rewarded here for their
service for Christ or suffer loss of reward.
- The Doctrine of
the Existence of Satan (Isaiah 14:12-14)
a) His
Perfection: He was originally
created in perfection.
b) His
Pride: He rebelled against
c) His
Power: He is the god of
this world. (II Corinthians. 4:3-4)
d) His
Problem: He is limited by God
(Job 1-2)
e) His
Prowling: He seeks to destroy
people. (I Peter 5:8)
f) His
Punishment: Hell forever in the
lake of fire. His final doom is
certain. (Revelation 20:10). All who reject Jesus as their savior will
have the same destiny.
- The Second
Coming of Christ (Revelation)
a) The
Promise: Jesus will return
bodily and visibly to earth (Acts 1:11).
b) The
Pre-tribulation rapture:
It comes before the seven year tribulation and the millennial kingdom. (I Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 19:1-6)
c) The
Preparation: To be saved before
the rapture and warn everyone you can before it is too late.
- The Doctrine
of Eternity
a) The
Saved: Will spend eternity
in Heaven. (John 3:16, 3:36)
b) The
Sinner: Will spend eternity
in Hell for rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior. (Revelation 20:14-15)
- The Doctrine of
the Priesthood of All Believers
a) Access: All Christians have direct access to
God. There is no need for a human priest
to go to God for us. I Timothy 2:5.
b) Accountability: Each believer is accountable to God
and His Word. (Luke 12:48).
- The Doctrine of
the Church (Matthew 16:16-18, Ephesians 4:11-12)
a) The
Object: Evangelize the lost
and edify the saints. (Matt. 28:18-20,
Eph. 4:11-12)
b) The
Ordinances: Baptism and the
Lord’s Supper. Baptism is by immersion
only and the person must be saved first.
The Lord's Supper is done with unleavened bread and grape juice as
picture of our Lord's death and the blood he shed for us.
c) The
Operation: There should never be
any outside control of the church. It is
a local visible body under the control of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Colossians
1:18). We totally reject the Catholic
and Protestant theory of the invisible church.
Our Authority: The Bible and the Lord Jesus. (Matthew.
4:4, Matthew 28:18)
Our Autonomy: This church is free to govern itself.
(Col. 1:18, Mat. 16:18). No
ecclesiastical or government body has authority over the local church and its
sovereignty must never be surrendered.
Part 3
- The Doctrine of
Creation (Genesis 1-2,
John 1:1-14, Colossians 1:16-18)
a) The Power of Creation: God created the Heaven and the Earth. Genesis 1:1. We totally reject evolution. It is not a valid scientific theory and it contradicts the Bible. .
b) The
Purpose of Creation:
To glorify God. Revelation 4:11.
- The Doctrine of
Separation (James 4:4, I
John 2:15-17, II Corinthians 6:14-17)
a) A
Pure Life: We are to glorify
God and flee from sin. (I John 2:15).
We must abstain from all appearance of evil (I Thessalonians 5:22). .
b) A
Powerful Life: Victorious Christian
living by yielding ourselves to God. Romans 12:1-3.
c) A
Prosperous Life: Through obedience to
the Bible. (Joshua 1:8)
- Statement
on Marriage and Sexuality
a) The definition: The term “marriage” has only one meaning and that is marriage
sanctioned by God which joins one naturally-born man and one naturally-born
woman in a single, exclusive union, as taught in Scripture. Genesis 2:24.
b) The design: God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between
a naturally-born man and a naturally-born woman who are married to each other. Hebrews 13:4 .
c) The disgrace: Any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery,
fornication, homosexuality, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pornography
or any attempt to change one’s sex, or disagreement with one’s biological sex,
is sinful and offensive to God. Leviticus 18:22.
of Biblical Authority
The statement of
faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith and doctrine. The Bible itself which is without error is the
final and sole authority of Keystone Independent Baptist Church.
- The Doctrine of Music
a) The content: All lyrics in the song must be doctrinally sound and show honor
unto God. Psalm 30:4. You cannot exalt him in
music if it follows the sensual patterns of music that the world uses and has shallow
b) The combination: All music should glorify God in both the lyrics and the
music. If both are not godly the song is
not Christian. Psalm 147:7. "
c) The commitment: To have a godly music program where scriptural standards are set
by the pastor and are performed to honor God. 1 Corinthians
- Family Relationships
a) We believe that men and
women are spiritually equal in position before God but that God has ordained
distinct and separate spiritual functions for men and women in the home and the
b) We believe that God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society.
7. Authority
of Doctrinal Statement
The Doctrinal Statement does not
exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself is the sole and final source
of all that we believe.